Hello! My name is Seokhyun (Shawn) Hwang, and I’m a Ph.D. student in Information Science at the University of Washington in the ACE Lab (Advisor: Jacob O. Wobbrock). I completed my Master’s degree in the Intelligent Robotics Program at GIST, HCIS Lab (Advisor: SeungJun Kim) in Korea. Explore more about me: ABOUT, PUBLICATIONS, EXPERIENCES, and EXTRA ACTIVITIES. My research interests lie in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual/Augmented Reality systems. Specifically, I am interested in exploring the interactions between humans and VR/AR systems, and how we can create more realistic and immersive experiences through the use of hardware devices.

I have been working on developing my own VR locomotion method and haptic feedback device, which I am building with my understanding of circuits and mechanics. My goal is to create a device that can enhance the user’s sense of presence and immersion in virtual environments.


University of Washington, United States (Expected)

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Information Science, Information School (September 2024 – Present)

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

  • Master of Science (M.S.) - Intelligent Robotics, Institute of Integrated Technology (September 2021 – August 2023)

Boston University, United States

  • Exchange Student (June 2018 – August 2018)

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Department of Mechanical Engineering (March 2017 – August 2021)


Modeling & Designing

  • Autodesk Inventor
  • Fusion 360
  • SolidWorks
  • Blender
  • KiCad

Software & Tools

  • Unity
  • COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Cubase
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Final Cut Pro


Special Recognitions, ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), ACM

  • Aug 2024
  • Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews in 2024 IMWUT

Honorable Mentions, 2024 CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM

  • May 2024
  • Honorable mention for being in the top 5% of conference papers (ErgoPulse)

Honorable Mentions, 2024 CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM

  • May 2024
  • Honorable mention for being in the top 5% of conference papers (SYNC-VR)

Honorable Mentions, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), IEEE

  • October 2023
  • Honorable mention for being in the top 1% of conference papers

Honorable Mentions, International ACM Conference on AutomotiveUI, ACM

  • September 2023
  • Honorable mention for being in the top 5% of conference papers

Special Recognitions, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), ACM

  • May 2023
  • Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews in 2023 UIST

Government supported Scholarship, Korea

  • September 2021 – June 2023
  • Master’s Degree Government Scholarship

President Award, Korea (GIST)

  • August 2020
  • 1st prize in table tennis robot at the 4th GIST Creative Convergence Competition in 2020

Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Korea

  • September 2020 – December 2020
  • GIST Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Industry-Academic Cooperation Scholarship, Korea

  • December 2019 – February 2020
  • Industry-Academic Cooperation Scholarship in BA Energy Lab

Scholarship for Overseas Summer Semester Exchange Students, United States

  • June 2018 – August 2018
  • Boston University Summer Semester Exchange Student Scholarship

Government supported Scholarship, Korea

  • March 2017 – August 2021
  • GIST Bachelor’s Degree Government Scholarship


University of Chicago, Human Computer Integration Lab

  • January 2024
  • Invited Presentation (hosted by Pedro Lopes).

HCI Korea 2024 Top-conference Sessions, ACM SIGCHI

  • January 2024
  • Presentation of Vestibular Stimuli-Based Redirected Walking Research at a HCI Korea 2024 Top-Conference Invited Talk Session.